Safety & Environment

Safety is Rule #1

Safety is a promise we make to ourselves and it’s one we keep every single working minute of every single working day.

The fact that our industry-leading safety record benefits clients is a source of pride, but the real reason for our passion for safety is – we care about each other.  While the safety guidelines are crafted and come down from the top, it’s the everyday roll-up-the-sleeves worker who makes them work.  Looking out for your partner, your friend and having the back of all those around you means they’re also looking out for you.  It’s another reason Acadian is Proven and Trusted.

At Acadian Contractors, safety is in our blood.  The awards and certificates we’ve received—those grand kudos of industry recognition on record—provide the documented proof.  But the proof that matters to us is seeing every one leaving at the end of their shift, returning to their families, whole and healthy.

“When people are a part of a good and safe work environment; they actively make a difference. Employees are more attentive, approachable and willing to effectively communicate.  There are fewer absences, less turnover; which results in an improved quality of work and Safety for all.”
Acadian Contractors, HSE Manager

  • Over 1.33 million consecutive man-hours without a lost -time accident (as of 8/29/13)
  • 2010 Chevron GOM - President’s recognition for Accomplishments in Safety Award (4.5 years, 445,000 hours without an OSHA recordable injury)
  • 2011 Chevron Pipeline – Multiple awards for Outstanding Crew recognition
  • 2011 Chevron Pipeline – Recognized for HSE Leadership Commitment